The brief for this assignment was to create a design conference, and the branding to go with this. I chose the topic 'Absurdity' which explores the idea that designers should be pushing the limits of what is accepted within the industry, and do more of the unexpected. The main aspect that demonstrates the 'Absurdity' idea is the photographic elements, that combine an aspect of design with the every day. Because the absurdity is quite subtle, I wanted to pair this with bold and dynamic typography.
These are my series of posters.

A requirement of this assignment was to produce a brochure that would provide more information on the theme of the conference, and about the speakers. Because this touchpoint is very text heavy, I decided to pair back the photographic elements by only including one image on the cover that shows a continuation of the poster imagery. In order to maintain the visual impact I focused on bold colours, and continued with the dynamic typographic layouts.
These are my brochure spreads.

Another requirement of this brief was to include a third touchpoint of your choice. I created a series of stop motion videos that showed a progression of the images on the poster. These could be used to maintain interest in between speakers, and could also be used as way finding.